You have to be prepared to buy your horse

Buying a horse is never a trivial act. It is a commitment over several years or even decades. To ensure that this purchase goes as well as possible and in order to have no regrets, several tips should be followed.


Technical level :
vente d'un cheval devant un box
Table of contents

How to pick your horse and where ?

Level of the rider

The most important question to raise is the actual level of the rider. Is he experienced or a novice ? In the case of an experienced rider, he’ll be able to work his horse alone in optimum safety conditions. A novice rider will need to be supervised by a qualified teacher to evolve with his horse.
Recent studies of horse behavior have shown that unemotional horses are more suited to beginners and leisure riders. On the contrary, more emotional horses are more popular among experienced riders and for the practice of sport riding.
The level of the rider should guide the choice towards a certain breed or type of equine as well as the age of the horse. A proverb full of common sense says « to young rider, old horse and young horse to old rider ». Beyond the real age of the rider or animal, it is more about experience. It will be easier to choose an experienced horse for a rider who is not and vice versa.

Discipline(s) practised

Each orientation corresponds to a type of horse. Certain breeds are more suitable to certain activities.For example local breeds, rustic are often adapted to a hacking activity.  The Selle-Français is, most of the time, selected and bred for a sports activity.

Marketing channels

Professional dealers offer a large choice of horses and they can direct the buyer to a type of horse that will suit the rider for his future practise.
Riding teachers can use their network of contacts to find a horse that will correspond to the discipline and level of the rider. Follow-up and advice may be offered after the sale.
Professional breeders directly sell their own horses which they know well. They can then provide valuable advice during the sale. However, the choice of horses is not as great as with professional dealers for example.
Individuals can offer horses for sale. However, there is no legal recourse in the case of a problem. You’ll need a lot of skill to choose and limit risks.
There are also auction sales where horses undergo a selection before entering the ring. Selection may be genetic and/or performance-based and prices are often higher than in direct sales.
Finally, racing professionals, whether they are breeders, trainers or other propose ex-race horses. The price is often inexpensive but these horses need an experienced rider or very good supervision.

Spotting your horse

According to surveys carried out in 2011 by OESC (Economical and sociological observatory of the horse), Internet and classified ads are the most common way to spot your future horse (between 26 and 42% depending on the future use of the horse). Next comes the buyer’s  network and acquaintances (between 24% and 28%)
There are other ways such as :
•    Websites : French Horse Trade Union Chamber
•    Specialized magazines and websites
•    Regional breeders associations, national breed associations,
•    Conseils des chevaux (regional horse committees)

Trying out the horse

You must not hesitate to go and see the horse and ask to try the horse out over one or several sessions. You must try, as much as possible, to place the horse in genuine use conditions. A hacking horse must be able to be tried outdoors to assess the animal’s reactions in an open environment he does not know.
It is sometimes requested by the future buyer to take the horse during a defined period in order to try him out. This condition is not always accepted by the seller who is then at risk of  getting his horse back in a deteriorated state of health and  / or dressage.

What budget when buying ?

Purchasing budget

A very important step when buying a horse is to determine one’s purchasing budget.

According to surveys carried out within the framework of OESC (Economical and sociological Observatory of the Horse) for the year 2015
UseAverage price (€)

Price (€)

Maximum Price (€)
Sport – Leisure – Work3 964 10080 000
Teaching with competition3 70640017 000
Only in  competitiona8 24810080 000
Other activities of sport-leisure without competition1 7052009 500
Other use6781005 000

Maintenance budget

In addition to the horse’s purchase budget, a maintenance budget will be added. First item to consider will be his accomodation. Will the horse be out at pasture, stabled, or a mix of both ? Will he be at home or in a livery yard ?

Livery typesAverage prices observed (analysis in progress)
Pasture50 to 480€                         moyenne : 200€
Stabled100€ to 1000€                   moyenne : 330€
ExtrasTurning out, walker sessions, rugs… most of the time prices to be added

In addition to these costs, maintenance costs depend on the upkeep model  : food if the horse is at home, veterinary, osteopath, farrier, equipement (saddle, bridle…).

Veterinary inspection

Before buying a horse, a vet inspection may be necessary. The vet will check the physical integrity and health of the horse. A general examination (eyes, heart, identification) will be carried out, as well as locomotion on hard and soft grounds, in a straight line and on circles. X-rays of limbs,  or other parts may be done in addition. The price will vary according to the tests carried out. For a basic examination, the average price is 84€.

What legal steps ?

Sales contract

A sale is a common legal act that requires each party to act honestly and uphold their commitments. It can be subject to conditions : it will take place on condition that an event occurs or it will take place unless such a thing happens. It is a voluntary act that requires the consent of both parties. The buyer knows what he is committing to. He is therefore of age or an emancipated minor with his full abilities.
See equipaedia datasheets on the regulations of :
•     sales acts
•    contracts

A sales contract should be written, not for it to be valid, but for there to be proof and supervision of situations. It can be used to prove that the horse is not suitable : for example presenting lameness when the horseswas destined to compete. We refer to the destination of the horse. This is an important clause in the contract. Each party has a co-signed copy of the contract. Clear langage, without necessarily using legal terms, is enough : it will allow the judge to understand what the parties really wanted at the time of the sale in the event of a dispute.

SIRE (Registration authorities) procedures

carte d'immatriculation
Passeport and registration document © Ifce

Since the 1st of January 2008, the identification of horses is mandatory. Any equine on French territory must be identified with : an electronic transponder, an identification document with markings, a SIRE number and a registration document.
It’s very important to get the identification documents of the animal : the registration document and the identification document (further information on the IFCE website). To be noted that : the registration document can be kept by the seller until payment is complete. It’s not the case for the identification document that should be given with the horse.
Registration in the SIRE central database of horse and owner must be completed within 1 month. This registration is automatic when the horse is first identified. In other cases, action must be taken by the owner at each change of hand.

Public liability

In the case of an accident caused by a horse to a third party, the owner’s public liability insurance policy enables to repair damages caused to the victim. The person in charge of the animal isn’t necessarily the owner but more precisly keeper of the horse. It can be taken in addition to FFE (French equestrian federation) license or from the keeper’s insurer with home insurance.

Cancellation of sale

Cancellation of a sale or its termination is possible in certain cases, in particular when the seller is a professional. Guarantee of conformity, hidden defects, crippling defects, and defect consent defects are all regulation points that can be raised.


To make this first purchase a succes, it’s important to identify properly your needs, define a budget and ensure that you’ll be able to take care of the horse subsequently, then you need to get in touch with the right contact. Then you need to try the horse. If he suits you and the sale is finalized, it remains to establish the contract and get the identification documents, then register the purschase in the SIRE central database.

Know more about our authors
  • Translated from french by : Karen DUFFY Translator
  • Charlotte GEYL Development engineer IFCE
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Editing date: 20 05 2024

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