Equine Atypical Myopathy (EAM)

Atypical Myopathy is a seasonal disease, which is now well established in France and Europe. This disease affects and destroys postural, respiratory and heart muscles. Recent studies have shown the cause to be a toxin in the seeds of certain Acer trees, especially  Acer pseudoplatanus or Sycamore tree.  


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myopathie atypique
Table of contents

What is Equine Atypical myopathy?

Atypical myopathy (EAM), is also called atypical myoglobinuria of horses at grass is a frequently fatal disease, where different muscle groups are severely affected and degenerate rapidly. The groups of mucles include postural, respiratory and cardiac muscles.
EAM affects equines of all breeds (draught horses, sport horses, ponies, donkeys and Zebras) who are out grazing most of the time.
EAM is not a contagious disease. However, as its appearance is linked to environmental conditions, horses grazing in a same field can be affected simultaneously.  This disease appears mainly in Spring and Autumn.

Situation in Europe

cas géolocalisés de myopathie atypique entre 2006 et 2019
Geographical distribution of EMA cases between autumn 2006 and autumn 2019 (1008 cases out of 1841 for this period were located in Belgium and France) © D. Stern (AMAG)
Since 2006, Austria, France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark and Luxemburg, Ireland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, and the Czech republic have all been affected, with 73 % of the cases declared in Belgium, France, and Germany (for the period between 2006 and 2019).

In North America, a disease presenting the same symptoms has been identified in The USA, where it is named “ seasonal pasture myopathy”.

What are the causes of Equine Atypical Myopathy?

It is now commonly accepted that the cause is an environmental toxin which affects the muscular metabolism.

myopathie atypique
Samara (seeds) (a), and leaves (b) of Acer Negundo © F. Patarin - Cliquez pour agrandir
In The USA, seasonal pasture myopathy has been linked to the presence of a toxin called Hypoglycin A, which is found in Acer Negundo (Boxelder) seeds.

In Europe this amino acid is also found in the seeds and seedlings of Acer pseudoplatanus or sycamore trees, which are most frequently linked to atypical myopathy cases in France and Belgium. However Acer Negundo (Boxelder) is an invasive species, which is expanding rapidly, especially in the south-west of France, and could therefore also be the cause of atypical myopathy in Europe.

The Acer pseudoplatanus, can reach a height of 20 to 30m. Its leaves are dark green with 5 rounded, palmate lobes.It is found in mixed forests of western Europe, through to the Baltic sea. The helicopter-shaped seeds (samara) promote wind dissemination, which increases the area affected by a tree or grove of trees.  

Once hypoglycin A has been ingested, it is metabolised and becomes a highly toxic compound “MCPA-CoA”, which causes severe biochemeical disorders.

myopathie atypique
Samara (a) and leaves (b) of the sycamore tree © F. Patarin - Cliquez pour agrandir
myopathie atypique
Seedlings of acer negundo (boxelder) in the spring. © D. Votion - Cliquez pour agrandir

What are the clinical symptoms of Atypical Myopathy (EAM)?

Symptoms in over 50% of casesClinical signs in less than 50% of cases)
Dark brown urine emissions: spontaneous or following a rectal examination or when a catheter is used. (93%)Respiratory problems (49%)
Congested mucous membranes (red) (53%)Hypothermia: rectal temperature below 37°C (29%)
General weakness (85%)Anorexia (28%)
Stiffness (83%)Horse has trouble swallowing (23%)
Depressed appearance (80%)Exacerbated appetite (18%)
Higher heart beat frequency: > 45 heartbeats/minute (79%)Hyperthermia: rectal temperature >38°C (11%)
Recumbency (78%)
Still have an appetite (72%)
Muscle trembling( 68%)
Sweating (64%)
Normal temperature : 37-38°C (60%)
Distended Bladder (58%)

How can the disease be avoided?

It appears difficult to eliminate samara from fields. Even if there are no Acer trees planted near the fields, the helicopter shaped seeds can travel up to 100m from the tree on the wind.

Advice resulting from epidimiological studies :
•    Supplement horses living out at pasture;
•    Reduce the time spent in the pastures during the high risk seasons; stable horses when there is a lot of rain or strong winds; give access to a salt lick
•    Use water from the water network, clean out the drinking troughs on a regular basis.

As the toxin may also be present in the seeds of other trees, research in Europe is concerned with:
•    Implementing tools (dosage of hypoglycin) to identify the other potential sources of poisoning: other trees, hays, drinking water …...
•    Developing a test, from a blood sample, to enable confirmation of diagnosis and establish a survival prognosis

Recognize your Acer trees from observing their leaves and flowers

All Acer trees are not incriminated! In order to assess the risk, you need to recognize those that surround your pastures.

How to recognise the trees responsible for EAM
Leaves, seeds (samaras) and flowers of the sycamore, the Norway maple (acer platanoides), and the field maple (acer campestre) © B. Renaud (AMAG)


There is currently no known antidote for the toxin. A symptomatic treatment is therefore implemented: administering vitamins and anti-oxidants to support muscle function, and the energetic imbalance of the metabolism. Energy intake should be given with sugars, since the horse’s muscles cannot temporarily use lipids.

Surveillance network

Since 2005, there is an alert network for atypical myopathy: AMAG (Atypical Myopathy Alert Group). Set up and managed by the Liège University (Belgium), this group includes research scientists, and European veterinarians confronted with EAM.

Since 2002, when the first cases were diagnosed in France, the RESPE (www.respe.net) (Epidemio-surveillance network in Equine pathology) also takes an active part in the European network

AMAG collects epidemiological and clinical information from horse owners and veterinarians (practitioners, in private clinics and universities) and keeps the professionals in the horse sector updated on any clinical outbreaks. Information can be found on the website : http://labos.ulg.ac.be/myopathie-atypique/

If you are aware of a case, PLEASE declare it:

Know more about our authors
  • Translated from french by : Karen DUFFY Translator
  • Dr Dominique VOTION Veterinary doctor - University of Liège


  • www.myopathie-atypique.be
  • BAISE E., HABYARIMANA J.A., AMORY H., BOEMER F., DOUNY C., GUSTIN P., MARCILLAUD-PITEL C., PATARIN F., WEBER M. et VOTION D.M., 2015. Samaras and seedlings of Acer pseudoplatanus are potential sources of hypoglycin A intoxication in atypical myopathy without necessarily inducing clinical signs. Equine Vet. J., 48(4), pages 414-417. DOI : 10.1111/evj.12499.
  • RENAUD B., FRANÇOIS A.C., DOPAGNE C., ROUXHET S., GUSTIN P. et VOTION D., 2019. Identification of the maple tree responsible for atypical myopathy.
  • VOTION D.M., FRANÇOIS A.C., KRUSE C., RENAUD B., FARINELLE A., BOUQUIEAUX M.C., MARCILLAUD-PITEL C. et GUSTIN P., 2020. Answers to the frequently asked questions regarding horse feeding and management practices to reduce the risk of atypical myopathy. Animals, 10(2), 365. Version française de l'article libre d'accès en cliquant sur le lien Supplementary Material.
  • VOTION D.M., 2016. Atypical myopathy : an update. In Practice, 38(5), pages 241-246.
  • VOTION D.M., VAN GALEN G., SWEETMAN L., BOEMER F., DE TULLIO P., DOPAGNE C., LEFERE L., MOUITHYS-MICKALAD A., PATARIN F., ROUXHET S., VAN LOON G., SERTEYN D., SPONSELLER B.T. et VALBERG S.J., 2014. Identification of methylenecyclopropyl acetic acid in serum of European horses with atypical myopathy. Equine Vet. J., 46(2), pages 146-149.
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Editing date: 20 05 2024

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